15 years . . . “The End”

I’m staggered to report that Book 8 is DONE! EVERYTHING IS DONE! You can find all of the chapters here: https://www.youtube.com/@forestedgebooks/playlists

Almost exactly 15 years ago I started writing what I thought would be a short story.

Today I recorded the very last chapter of nine books, and said, “The End” as I finished it.

(Then I may have sobbed a little in my closet and tried to figure out what to do with my life.) This series has been such a huge part of my life. I was feeling both elated at my accomplishment, and utterly deflated at its conclusion.

Then I took a walk as the Florida sun was setting, trying to dry my tears and balance my emotions.

And then in my mind’s eye I saw a tall man, pacing back and forth in front of a line of trees. He’s been pacing there for a while now, and suddenly I realized it was his turn. I walked up to him (but only in my head; in real life, I paused to look gaze out over a canal looking for alligators–I saw only some large fish and turtles today), and I asked the man, “Lek Shin?”

He answered, “Yes, and it’s about time you came to ask my story.”

“It’s about time you tell it to me.”

I came home an hour’s walk later with about 20 pages of material. Who knows how long it will take to finally get this book to you, but now names, connections, politics, and relationships are revealing themselves.

Lek is a lot more talkative than I expected. Check back in a few months or a year or so. I hope to have something for you then.

Now, on to the NEXT 15 years!

Audio Book 7 Chapters 5-31 are here!

Ok, I’ll be honest–I didn’t realize the last time I uploaded was Halloween, and now it’s Christmas eve?! Life flashes like lightning sometimes, too quick to comprehend and also burning you a little in the process. Between my many kids and their families, my high school teaching job, and the fact that I haven’t mopped my floors for two weeks, I just don’t update here as I should.

BUT I HAVE BEEN RECORDING! Each chapter takes 2-3 hours to record, edit, and upload, and by the time I finish that, I’m already behind in getting to my next task (like grading AP Lit essays; seriously, why do I assign so many essays?!).

So I fail up to update here. I’m sorry. But I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, if you don’t already, and EVERY time I upload a chapter, you’ll get an email. (I uploaded two chapters yesterday! I got my grading finished!)

So here you go: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu2xT0b_plwsNnIK7P6ZBw

There are ALL the chapters, rarin’ to go. Maybe when I start recording the last book, I’ll remember to put them here, but that’s not a promise. (Seriously, you can’t count on me for anything anymore.)

So go here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu2xT0b_plwsNnIK7P6ZBw.

Subscribe, and never miss an upload again!

Book 7 Audio Book, “The Soldier in the Middle of the World” Chapters 1-3!

On to Book 7! In between grading papers–or deciding the essays can wait yet another day because I really, really want to record–I’ve completed the first three chapters. (Maybe I should quit assigning so much homework so I can have more time for this important stuff . . .)

Get your eye-rolling ready, because Young Pere is the most naïve young man you’ll ever meet. (But Mahrree loves him, so we put up with him.)

Audio Book Chapters 13-16, Book 6 “Flight of the Wounded Falcon” here!

A few more chapters before I head out of town for the weekend. I’ll be on the road for a few days, so nothing new until next week–sorry. But then next week school starts for teachers again (having to pay bills ruins all my fun), so chapters may be a little more sporadic. Sorry again.

Warning for the chapters below–you might want a tissue, especially for chapter 13.